stomach doctor for children in Clearwater Florida
About Daniel McClenathan, M.D.
Daniel McClenathan, M.D.
Dr. Daniel McClenathan's primary location is All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg Florida.
He also sees patients in our Sarasota office.

Dr. Daniel McClenathan's A.R.N.P.s are Michele "Chelie" Johnson and Andrea M. McCoy.

1973 B.S. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
1977 M.D. Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA

Internship and Residencies:
1977-1980 Pediatric Internship and Residency,
Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Clinical and Research Fellowships:
1980-1983 Fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology and
Nutrition, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA.

1980 State of Louisiana M.D.
1980 Massachusetts Medical License
1981 American Academy of Pediatrics, Board Certified
1983 Florida Medical License.
1992 Board of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. American Academy of Pediatrics
1998 Recertification American Academy of Pediatrics
2007 Recertification Board of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition in Florida

1982-1983 Instructor in Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
1982-1983 Pediatric Gastrointestinal Instructor, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, MA
1983-Present Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
1986-Present Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL.

1980-1983 Clinical and Research Fellow, Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Nutrition Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
1983-Present Medical Director, Gastroenterology /Hepatology
All Children's Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL

1969 National Merit Scholarship finalist
1980-1982 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Fellow
1987-Present Scientific Advisor for National Foundation of Ileitis & Colitis
Daniel McClenathan. M. D. was recognized on the Castle-Connolly Top Doctors List for 2012.. Go Now >

1. Role of IgA complex formation in the clearance of circulatingantigen.
2. Developmental aspects of intestinal and hepatic secretory component.

1973 Zoology Instructor, Louisiana State University
1980 Course Lecturer, Pediatric Trends, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MA
1980-1982 Course Lecturer, Pediatric Intensive Care, Massachusetts General Hospital . Boston, MA
1980-1982 Course Lecturer, Dietetic Intern Course, Massachusetts General Hospital, Poston, MA 1982-1983 Course Lecturer, Pediatric Postgraduate Symposium,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
1983 - Present USF School of Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor.

1983-Present USF School of Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor, Course Lecturer, Medical Students and Residents.

1980-1982 Primary Care of Patients in Pediatric Gastroenterology
and Nutrition, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

1980-1982 Consultant Service involving Pediatric Gastroenterology
and Nutrition, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

1983-Present Chief of Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology/ Nutrition

1985 - Present Medical Executive Committee Member All Children's Hospital

1987-Present Chairman of Standards & Credentials Committee All Children's Hospital

1987 - Present Medical Care Evaluation Committee All Children's Hospital.

1. McClenathan, D.T., Walker W.A.: Milk allergy, Clearinghouse for Digestive Disease, 1982.

2. McClenathan , D.T., Kleinman, R.E., and Walker, W.A.: Milk allergy in infants, Neonatal in Perinatal, Vol 6/No 6/November-Decenber 1982; 9923-26

3. McClenathan, D., and Walker, N. A,: Pathogenesis and Management of intestinal allergic states, Postgraduate Medicine, Vol 72/No 5/Noveter 1982: pp 233-239

4. McClenathan, D.T., and Walker, WA.: "Allergic Gastroenteropathy", ppl9S-198,Current Therapy in Gastroenterology and Liver Disease 1984-1985, Theodore M. Bayless, M.D., B.C. Dec ker Incorporated: Philadelphia and Toronto, 1984.

5. McClenathan, D, and Hallock, J.: Rectal Bleeding in Older Children, Office Procedures: State of the Art Reviews. Vol 1/No 2/Apr-June, 1986, pp 123-131

6. Hallock, J., and McClenathan, D.T.: Abdominal Pain in Children, Office Procedures: State of the Art Reviews, Vol 1/No 2/ pp 68-77 Apr-June, 1986.

7. Smith, 5.5., Shulman, 0.1., O'Doristio, T.M., McClenathan, D.T., Borger, J..A., Bercu, B.P., and Root, A.W. Watery Diarrhea, Hypokalemia, Achlorhydria Syndrome in an Infant: Effect of the tong-acting Somatostatin Analogue SMS 201 -995 on Disease and Linear Growth: Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Vol 6/No 5/6;710-716

8. Greene, H.L., Ghishan, F.K., Brown, B., McClenathan, D.T., and Freese, D; Type-TV Glycogenosis: Improvement in Two Patients Treated with Maintenance of Normal Blood Glucose Levels, Journal of Pediatrics, Vol 112/1988, pp 55-58

9. Greene, H.L., Drown, B., and McClenathan, D.T.: A New Variant of Type IV- Glycogenosis-Deficiency of Branching Enzyme Activity without Apparent Progressive Liver Disease: Hepatology, Vol 8/ pp 302-306/1988

10: Rody-Winkler, Ann, McClenathan, Daniel T., Borger, James A., and Ahmed, Nasim: Retrograde Esophagoscopy for Foreign Body Reno, : Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology Nutrition 8:536~540, 1989 Raven Press, Ltd, New York

11 , McClenathan, D.T., : Monitoring Fat and Cholesterol in Children) Important to later Heath; Obesity '89, July/August 1999.

* Presented at Subspeciality Sessions at National Meetings

1. Harmatz, P., Kleinman, R.E., McClenathan, D.T., Bunnell, B., Blocb, K.J., and Walker, W.A.: 1 gA immune complex clearance during pregnancy; effect of hormonal environment on hepatobiliary transport of polymeric 1gA (p1gA, Pediatric Research 16:165A, 1982.

*2. Kleinman, fl., Harmatz, P., McClenathan, D., Bunnell, B., Bloch, K.J., and Walker, W.A.: Serum Polymeric 1gM A source of pollymeric 1gA in tears, Peditric Research 16:225A, 1932.

*3. Kleinman, R., Harmatz, R., McClenathan, D., Bunnell, B., BiOCIi, K.J., and Walker, W.A.: The influence of Pregnancy and lactation on transport of polymeric 1gA (p1gA) across epithelial surfaces, symposium on the Secretory Immune System, New York Academy of Science, 1982.

*4. McClenathan, D., Kleinman, R., Harmatz P., Bunnel, B. and Walker, W.: The effect of barbituate stimulated Choloresis on 1qA immune complex exretion in rat bile, Gastroenterology 1932.

*5. Shulman, D., McClenathan, D., Bercu, B., Smith, S., Borger J., and Root, A.: Enlarged Pancreas, Secretory Diarrhea, Elevated Vasocative Intestinal Peptide (VIP) and Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP) levels in an Infant: Response to a Somatostatin Analogur, The Society for Pediatric Research, 1 986.

*6. McClenathan, D., Kuehnle, K., Belknap, It, Cupoli, N., Brooks, W.; Encopresis: An overlooked Symptom of Sexual Abuse: 15th Annual Child Abuse and Neglect symposium, 1986.

7. Smith, S., Shulman, P., O'Dorisio, T.., McClenathan, D., Borger, J., Bercu, B. and Root, A.: Hypersection of vasoactive intestinal. peptide, secretory diarrhea and enlarged pancreas in an infant: clinical response to The long-acting somatostatin analogue 514$ 201 -995: The Society of Pediatric Research, 1986.

Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of Florida

Dr. Daniel McClenathan's Hospital Appointment

1980 -1983 Clinical and Research Fellow, Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Nutrition Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

1983 - Present Medical Director, Gastroenterology and Hepatology
All Children's Hospital, St. Petersburg, Florida

Dr. Daniel McClenathan's nurse practitioners are Andrea McCoy. and Michele "Chelie" Johnson.

Dr. McClenathan was recognized on the Castle-Connolly Top Doctors List for 2012.
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