stomach doctor for children in Clearwater Florida
About Joseph Ignacio, M.D.
Joseph Ignacio, M.D. - New Port Richey Florida

Dr. Joseph Ignacio's primary location is Temple Terrace Florida. He also treats patients in our Odessa location.

Dr. Joseph Ignacio's P.A. is Shawn M. Sarnaik.



7/75 - 4/79
University of the Philippines
Manila. Philippines
BS Zoology

Medical School.
7/79 - 3/83
Cebu Doctors College of Medicine
Cebu City, Philippines

5/83 - 4/84
Cebu Doctors’ Hospital
Cebu City, Philippines

SUNY Children's Hospital of Buffalo 7/88 - 6/89
Buffalo, New York

7/89 - 6/91
SUNY Children's Hospital of Buffalo
Buffalo, New York

7/91 - 6/94
SUNY Children's Hospital of Buffalo
Buffalo, New York
Pediatric Gastroenterology

Florida Medical License

FCFMG Certificate #397-404-5

American Board of Pediatric Gastroenterniogy #000635

North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition

American Academy of Pediatrics

Florida Pediatric Society

Principal Investigator. An eight week, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study of Alosetron in non-constipated adolescents with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 3-20-00 to 5-31-00, ICON/GLAXO

Principal Investigator, A study to evaluate the performance of LINK 2 infectious Mono, a rapid tesc kit for the detection of heterophile antibodies produced in response to infection with EBV. 12-99 to 4-00, Cortecs Diagnostics Ltd.

Principal Investigator, A comparative trial of the safety and immunogenicity of one dose of an experimental tetravalent ( A, C, Y, and W-l 35) Meningococcal Diptheria conjugate vaccine versus Menomune A/C/Y/W-135 in healthy children in the U.S. 5-15-00 to present AVENTIS PASTEUR

Principal Investigator, Safety, immunogenicity and lot consistency study of Connaught hybrid Pertusis vaccine in combination with Diptheria and Tetanus toxoids adsorbed and inactivated Pohomyentis vaccine used to reconstitute lyophilized Hemophilus Influenza type b Tetanus toxoid coniugate vaccine in infants and toddlers. 5-12-00 to present AVENTIS PASTEUR

References available upon request

Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of Florida.

Dr. Joseph Ignacio's Research Experience

Principal Investigator, A comparative trial of the safety and immunogenicity of one dose of an experimental tetravalent ( A, C, Y, and W-l 35) Meningococcal Diptheria conjugate vaccine versus Menomune A/C/Y/W-135 in healthy children in the U.S. 5-15-00 to present AVENTIS PASTEUR