stomach doctor for children in Clearwater Florida
About Michele Winesett, M.D.
Dr. Michele Winesett of Lakeland and Tampa Florida
Dr. Michele Winesett's primary GI location is Tampa - St Joseph's Children's Hospital. She also goes to our Lakeland GI office.

Dr. Michele Winesett's nurse practitioners are Michelle D. Schreck, and Kristin Del Toro.


Medical School:
1985 – 1989
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida
Doctor of Medicine
1981 – 1985
University of Florida - Gainesville, Florida
Bachelor of Science, Microbiology
July 1989 – June 1992
Department of Pediatrics
All Children’s Hospital
University of South Florida
St. Petersburg, Florida
Chairman: Robert A. Good, M.D., Ph.D.
Jaime Frias, M.D.
July 1992 – June 1993
Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
All Children’s Hospital
St. Petersburg, Florida
Daniel T. McClenathan, M.D.
July 1993 – June 1996
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville, Tennessee 37232-2576
Division Chief: John A. Barnard, M.D.
Tennessee Medical License – June 1995
Florida Medical License – May 15, 1991

1996-present - USF medical student and resident lectures.
USF Clinical Assistant Professor
St. Joseph's Children's Hospital quality committee

National Board of Medical Examiners
Part I - 1987
Part II - 1988
Part III – 1990
American Board of Pediatrics – 1992
Board of Pediatric Gastroenterology and
Nutrition – August 1997
American Academy of Pediatrics

American Gastroenterology Association

North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Medical School:
Florida Pediatric Society – Award for Outstanding Student in Pediatrics

Outstanding Resident in Pediatric Outpatient Clinic 1990 – 1991

Florida Academic Scholar
Josten’s Foundation Leadership Award
Comprehensive University Leadership Program

Dr. Winesett was recognized on the Castle-Connolly Top Doctors List for 2012.
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American Gastroenterological Association – May 1994
“Expression of the Type II Transforming Growth Factor B Receptor in the Intestine”

Winesett M, Ramsey G, Barnard JA: Type II TGFB Receptor Expression in Intestinal Cell Lines and in the Intestinal Tract. (Accepted for publication in Carcinogenesis)

Winesett M, Pietsch J, Barnard JA: Yersinia Enterocolitica in a child with Intussusception. A Case Report. (Accepted for publication in Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition)

Smith LA, Ignacio JR, Winesett MP, Kaiser GC, Lacson AG, Gilbert-Barness E, Gonzalez-Peralta RP, Wilsey MJ Jr. Vanishing bile duct syndrome: amoxicillin-clavulanic acid associated intra-hepatic cholestasis responsive to ursodeoxycholic acid. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2005 Oct;41(4):469-73.

Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of Florida.

Dr. Michele Winesett's Societies and Organizations

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Gastroenterology Association

North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Dr. Winesett was recognized on the Castle-Connolly Top Doctors List for 2012. Go Now >