stomach doctor for children in Clearwater Florida
About Viraine Weerasooriya M.D.
Dr. Viraine Weerasooriya of Ft. Myers and Naples Florida
Dr. Viraine Weerasooriya's primary location is in Ft Myers Florida.
He also sees patients in our Sarasota and Naples GI office.

Dr. Viraine Weerasooriya's Physician Assistant is Susan Nolan who also works at the Children's Hospital of S.W. Florida.


Undergraduate: University of Florida 1993

Medical School: Unviersity of Florida College of Medicine 1997

Residency in General Pediatrics: Washington University and St. Louis Children’s Hospital 1997-2000.

Fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition: Washington University 2000-2003


National Board of Medical Examiners


Missouri Medical License – MD No. 2000162981


Diplomate, American Board of Pediatrics


Diplomate, American Board of Pediatrics, Sub-board Pediatric Gastroenterology


Florida Medical License- MD No. ME95780


Clinical Assistant Professor, Affiliate Faculty
Department of Pediatrics
University of South Florida College of Medicine

Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida (Lee Memorial Health System), Ft. Myers, FL

All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL

St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital, Tampa, FL

American Academy of Pediatrics

North American Society for Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition American Gastroenterological Association

March 2008: Sarasota Memorial  Hospital Neonatal Conference. Title- “Soothe your Heartburn” GERD in the Neontae


November 2008: Clinical Presentation, Brandon Regional Hospital Dept. of Pediatrics. Title: Chronic Abdominal Pain Disorders in Children- Approaches to Diagnosis and Management


Septermber 2007: Pediatric Grand Rounds, All Children’s Hospital.
Title: Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and the Brain-Gut Axis in Children


March 2007: All Children’s Hospital Outreach Grand Rounds, Sarasota, FL
Title: “Things that go Burp in the Night” GERD in Children


October 2006: All Children’s Hospital Outreach Grand Rounds, Lakewood Ranch, FL
Title: Chronic Abdominal Pain Disorders in Children: Approaches to Diagnosis and Management


August 2006: All Children’s Hospital Outreach Grand Rounds, New Port Richey, FL
Title: Chronic Abdominal Pain Disorders in Children: Approaches to Diagnosis and Management


March 2006: Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Gateway Chapter Patient Symposium
Title: So you wanna be a rock star…. Growing Up with IBD


February 2005: St. Luke’s Department of Pediatrics Education Conference
Title: Functional Abdominal Disorders in Children: New approaches to diagnosis and Therapy.


November 2004: St. Louis County School Nurses Association
Title: Abdominal pain in children: How to get the child out of the Nurse’s office and back to Class


February 2004: St. Luke’s Department of Pediatrics Education Conference
Title: Childhood Obesity


November 2003: St. Louis County School Nurses Association.
Title: Childhood Obesity: The role of the school nurse.


October 2003: St. Luke’s Department of Pediatrics Education Conference.
Title: Feeding the infant: Patterns, Needs and Problems


May 2003: St. Louis Gastroenterology Nurses Association.
Title: Pediatric Gastroenterology Potpourri

2011   Pediatric Grand Rounds, The Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida: Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease- Perspectives on Diagnosis and Management

2009   33rd Annual Florida Suncoast Pediatric Conference: Nutrition in Normal Infants-Principles, Practice and Problems


Florida Blue Key: Distinguished Leadership Honorary Society, University of Florida


UF College of Medicine Recognition Award; served as Class President (1994-1995) and President of Medical College Council (1996-97)


President’s Award for Outstanding Service to the University of Florida


President’s Award for Outstanding Service to the University of Florida

2012 Dr. Weerasooriya was recognized on the Castle-Connolly Top Doctors List for 2012. Go Now >




Weerasooriya VS, White FA, Shepherd RS. Hepatic Fibrosis and Survival in Biliary Atresia. Oral Presentation, NASPGHN 2002 Annual Meeting




Weerasooriya VS, White FA, Shepherd RS. Hepatic Fibrosis and Survival in Biliary Atresia. Journal of Pediatrics 2004 Jan;144(1):123-5.


Weerasooriya VS, Rennie MJ, Anant S, Alpers DH, Patterson BW, Klein S. Dietary fiber decreases colonic epithelial cell proliferation and protein synthetic rates in human subjects. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Jun;290(6):E1104-8.

Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of Florida

Dr. Weerasooriya is on the medical staff at Children's Hospital of SW Florida and All Children's Hospital.

Dr. Weerasooriya grew up in SW Florida and currently lives in Fort Myers, Florida. He is married with a daughter.

Dr. Weerasooriya was recognized on the Castle-Connolly Top Doctors List for 2012.
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Here is the news segment Dr. Weerasooriya did on Crohn's disease.
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